domingo, 20 de mayo de 2007

Not Dead Vonage: Yet Quite

Vonage can proceed with its aggressive advertising campaign to acquire eardrums. But how long will the company last, regardless of whether they win or lose their appeal? Just take a look at the list of VOIP plans and prices and you’re bound to agree …
While Verizon case might seem dodgy, who will shed a tear when Vonage is ultimately eaten by Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, AOL, or Microsoft?
The customers? VOIP is a full-fledged commodity these days, my friends. Will the courts and the federal agencies allow them to become a new monopoly in a new IP telecomm order?
There’s a fascinating read on VoIP pioneer Jeff Pulver’s blog that details the operation of open source VOIP technology that predates the Verizon patent by two years. Perhaps … or perhaps not. I have a hunch that folks are more concerned with the long-term viability of their phone service, the cost of that service, and the ability to maintain their present phone numbers.
The workers? Do you care which logo is on your paycheck, as long as it doesn’t bounce?
The bigger question is whether Verizon will end up as the only elephant in the room. Jeff, a co-founder and minority shareholder of Vonage, eloquently states: “It seems something must have gone wrong somewhere for an asset of the public domain to end up in a patent.
Well, yeah.
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Viva La Vonage!

Amidst the hullabaloo, a federal appeals court this week saw it fit to allow Vonage to continue on its quest (that’s not Qwest, thank you) of customer accumulation. It’s all about that long-term viability.
Tap Spinal Reunion!

Now I could go on and on about the monumental importance of the band and this event, but rather than bore you with details, lets just do the deed (not dirt cheap), Turn it up to Eleven, and …
Link to the source

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But that’s not nearly good enough. Rumor has it that a domestic Honda diesel is still a couple of years off. I’m giving thought to buying a Vdub diesel beater and stowing a couple of 55 gallon drums of 100% biodiesel in the shed.
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While I don’t drive all that much, my little car pulls down 28 MPG on the highway. This crazy little horseless carriage delivered a driving range of over one hundred miles, nearly one hundred years ago.
I need to update my list of cars that average better than 30 MPG and order a copy of Who Killed the Electric Car. Okay, so I’m feeling guilty. I’m thinking that I could do nearly twice that with the right diesel … it’s a shame they don’t import many to the good old USA. Although one might think that electric cars can’t get here fast enough, I saw something a couple of weeks ago that made my jaw drop.
We saw a pair of interesting electric cars at the New York Auto Show. Now I know this is old hat to our European friends, but at what point do we stop driving around pointlessly? Exhibited by the Lemay Museum and sponsored by State Farm, the Standard Electric stood as clear proof of our wayward ways. While the 600 HP Hybrid Technologies L1X-75 electric car is one sick overgrown go-kart, it was the 1912 Standard Electric that really caught my fancy. There’s a nasty buzz building that gasoline prices may eclipse $4 per gallon here in the states by the time the summer driving season hits full stride.
Wear Your Please Seatbelts

The Governor was on his way back from Atlantic City to Drumthwacket, the Governor’s Mansion in Princeton, where he was to meet with Don Imus and the Rutgers Women’s Basketball team. NJ Governor John Corizine is in critical condition after a particularly nasty crash on the Garden State Parkway yesterday. Corizine’s State Trooper driven Chevy Tahoe was cut off, while travelling at speed. The breathing tube eases his respiration with the broken ribs, and a broken breastbone. Corizine was thrown into the back seat and suffered 12 broken ribs, a broken femur that protruded through his thigh, and other nastiness …
The 60-year-old governor underwent about two hours of surgery last night following the accident near milepost 45 in Galloway Township. He also suffered a broken collarbone and lower back bone and a flap-like cut on his skull, which a plastic surgeon stitched back together.

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Corzine, sedated and on intravenous painkillers, required seven pints of blood, officials said. The Governor was sitting in the front passenger seat and allegedly was not wearing a seatbelt.